Friday, November 4, 2011

My Video Game Interview Portfolio - So Far

These last few months have given me a wild ride, one which I never would have expected.  I say it all started with my love for the OnLive Gaming Service and the technology it presented.  I didn't think a lot of people understood what this technology meant for gaming, including developers and publishers of video games.  I would reach out to varous individuals involved in gaming and would try to tell them how amazing streaming video games was.  Never before have we seen On Demand gaming like this.  It started with Twitter, then Facebook, then LinkedIn, and grew to e-mails, phone calls, and more.  I started getting inside scoop that other other people craved.  At that point reached out to me and asked me to write my first article for them.  Combine this with the Kinect Fitness group I was leading and everything started piecing together in some amazing ways. 

So just in the last few months, I have had the opportunity to interview some of the biggest gaming studios in the industry.  There is more to come, but here is my video game interview portfolio so far:

So there you have the interviews I've done so far.  I've gotten better, but I also know there needs to be a bit more polish.  Overall, I feel pretty good with what has happened in just a few months though.

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